Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Intimate Partner Violence:
Types: Sexual Assault: [Site] G e n e r a l [Info] Davis, Andrew P., et al. »Safe at home? Examining the extension of criminal penalties for marital rape in cross-national context, 1979–2013.« Law & Society Review 58 (2024): 126-148. [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] South African History [Info] Fransch, Chet. »The Reading of Simone de Beauvoir's Sexual Violence in Marriage within the Changing Climate of South Africa, c. 1948-2007.« Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Edited by Andrea Duranti et al. Newcastle upon Tyne 2017: 212-226. [Info] Kaganas, Felicity, et al. »Law Reform and the Family: The New South African Rape-in-Marriage Legislation.« Journal of Law and Society 18 (1991): 287-302. [Site] Swazi History [Info] Keyse, Rhian. »"A man cannot in law be convicted of rape upon hisown wife": Consent, coercion, and colonial histories of sexual violence in 1930s Swaziland.« 'Do No Harm': Researching the Pasts, Present, and Futures of Sexual Violence. London 2023. [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Brazilian History [Info] de Oliveira, Marco A.G. Violência contra mulheres: A invisibilidade do estupro doméstico. Thesis, Universidade de Brasília, 2013. [Site] Canadian History [Info] Brown, Anne. Viol conjugal et violence maritale dans le roman féminin des années soixante. Ottawa 1992. [Site] Jamaican History [Info] Bourne, Paul A., et al. »Rape, Carnal Abuse and Marriage in Jamaica, 1970-2013: Is There Non-Consensual Sex in Marriage?« World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (2015): 199-230. [Site] Nicaraguan History [Info] Ellsberg, Mary, et al. »Long-term change in the prevalence of intimate partner violence: A 20-year follow-up study in León, Nicaragua, 1995-2016.« BMJ Global Health 5 (2020). [Site] U.S. History
[Info] Adams, Madison M. "The Socially Induced Silence": Feminist Ideology and the Construction of Battered Women's Shelters in the 1970s. Senior Thesis, Kalamazoo College. 2019. [Info] Barshis, Victoria R.G. »The Question of Marital Rape.« Women's Studies International Forum 6 (1983): 383-393. [Info] Bennice, Jennifer A., et al. »Marital Rape: History, Research, and Practice.« Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 4 (2003): 228-246. [Info] Bergen, Raquel K. »Still a Long Way to Go: Comparing Services to Survivors of Wife Rape in 1994 and 2004.« 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Toronto 2005. [Info] Cuklanz, Lisa M. Rape on Trial: How the Mass Media Construct Legal Reform and Social Change. Philadelphia 1996. [Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303. [Info] Ross, Joann M. Making Marital Rape Visible: A History of American Legal and Social Movements Criminalizing Rape in Marriage. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nebraska, 2015. [Info] Ryan, Rebecca M. The Sex Right: A Legal History of the Marital Rape Exemption. Senior Thesis, Princeton University, 1994. [Info] Spiers, John H. Breaking the Wedding Vows: Woman-Centered Critiques of Marriage, 1963-1982. M.A. Thesis, Clemson University, 2007. [Info] Trinch, Shonna L. »Battered Women.« Encyclopedia of Rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004: 21-22. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Indian History
[Info] Rukmani, Rukmani. »Rape and Its Representation in Bollywood Movies.« Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 2 (2014): 221-227. [Info] Singh, Shivam, et al. »Domestic Violene and Its Theatrical Representation.« Ruminations 12 (2021): 57-65. [Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] Austrian History
[Site] English History [Info] Anderson, Melisa J. »Lawful Wife, Unlawful Sex: Examining the Effect of the Criminalization of Marital Rape in England and the Republic of Ireland.« Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 27 (1998): 139-166. [Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303. [Info] Williamson, Adrian. »The Law and Politics of Marital Rape in England, 1945–1994.« Women's History Review (February 24, 2016). [Site] Finnish History [Info] Kotanen, Riikka. »From the protection of marriage to the defence of equality: The Finnish debate over the sexual autonomy of wives.« Rape in the Nordic Countries: Continuity and Change. Edited by Marie B. Heinskou et al. London 2020: 83-100. [Site] German History [Info] Dackweiler, Regina-Maria. »Staatlichkeit, Gewalt und Geschlecht: Bekämpfung von (sexueller) Gewalt im sozialen Nahbereich als Staatsaufgabe.« Kritische Justiz 45 (2012): 70-88. [Site] Irish History [Info] Anderson, Melisa J. »Lawful Wife, Unlawful Sex: Examining the Effect of the Criminalization of Marital Rape in England and the Republic of Ireland.« Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 27 (1998): 139-166. [Info] Diver, Cara. Marital violence in post-independence Ireland, 1922–96: ‘A living tomb for women’. Manchester 2019. [Site] Polish History [Info] Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara. »Sexual Violence and the Experts’ Discourse on Family in People’s Republic of Poland, 1960s-1980s.« 51st Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. San Francisco 2019. [Site] Swedish History [Info] Geis, Gilbert. »Rape-in-Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden.« Adelaide Law Review 6 (1978): 284-303. [Site] Swiss History [Info] Frey, Samuel. "Wir können nicht Polizisten in jedes Schlafzimmer schicken": Das Verbot der ehelichen Vergewaltigung in der Schweiz 1973-1992. Masterarbeit, Universität Basel, 2018. [Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History [Info] Featherstone, Lisa. »'That's what being a woman is for': Public Responses to Marital Rape Reforms.« 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian Historical Association. Wollongong 2013. [Info] Featherstone, Lisa. »‘That’s What Being A Woman Is For’: Opposition To Marital Rape Law Reform In Late Twentieth-Century Australia.« Gender & History 29 (2017): 87-103. [Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. »Marital Rape and the Marital Rapist: The 1976 South Australian Rape Law Reforms.« Feminist Legal Studies (August 28, 2018). [Info] Larcombe, Wendy, et al. »Developing the Common Law and Rewriting the History of Rape in Marriage in Australia: PGA v The Queen.« Sydney Law Review 34 (2012): 785-807. [Info] Lesses, Kos. »PGA v The Queen – Marital Rape in Australia: The Role of Repetition, Reputation and Fiction in the Common Law.« Melbourne University Law Review 37 (2014): 786-833. [Info] Mackinnon, Alison, et al. »Sex, Resistance and Power: Sex Reform in South Australia, c. 1905.« Australian Historical Studies 23 (1988): 60-71. [Info] Sletvold, Richard. »PGA v The Queen: Do laws just disappear?« Adelaide Law Review 33 (2012): 573-579. [Info] Winn, Alexander G. Preserving the Patriarchal Narrative: Constructing Marital Rape and the Marital Rapist in the 1976 South Australian Rape in Marriage Reforms. B.A. Thesis, University of Newcastle, 2014. [Site] New Zealand History [Info] Tombs, Rachel D. »Feminists led, politicians followed: The Criminalisation of Marital Rape.« New Zealand Journal of History 58 (2024): 94-113. |